These are not perfect people. These are deeply flawed people. But they made contributions. And I think what it means is we have to acknowledge, right now in the 21st-century, how much of what we have today is built on the backs of people whose contribution never gets acknowledged. ——这句话放在现在说特种部队火凤凰好像显得更有意义了
David Schwimmer + Simon Pegg
配合得真的太漂亮了他们溜冰、传球像一种艺术而不是运动一个不把人当人看的国家凭什么值得忠诚第二个教练是个魔鬼当 Fetisov 被所有场馆拒绝的时候只有老教练陪着训练 T T那个会向象棋、芭蕾借鉴的老教练自己曾经的队友都站出来为自己说话特种部队火凤凰除了最要好的那一个太讽刺